Thursday, 30 July 2015

The best part of waking up...

Are the roosters crowing

Maybe that wouldn't be your favourite thing... I mean they do make a terrible racket....

I awoke at five again today. No wonder I am so dead by nine pm every night 😀.
But it's been so lovely to sit here, snuggled in my blankets with a cozy sweater and listen to the world wake up.

It was so dark when I first awoke.... Actually it still is.. Another fifteen minutes or so before the dark begins to fade into navy, then grey, then the bright sunny light of a new day.

A new day full of hope and promise. And best of all- full of God Himself.

I've been sitting here all snuggled up, my hands busy twisting yarn into a new blanket for the birth of a dear friend's first baby.  Mind busy with ever so many thoughts. And ears full of the roosters crowing, crowing, crowing. Like a terrible orchestra. Or is it?

Let everything that hath breath praise the Lord.

And they are- welcoming the morning in. Heralds of the new day. "God is here in this day! Praise Him with all you are. Do the thing He has given you to do and do it well - even if it is a small thing to do."

Fridays are my 'day off'

What a misnomer - on my 'day off' I catch up on emails- the terribly important ones that you have to think about before you send 😣

I write thank you letters and other sorts of letters. Do some visiting. Plan message for the girls dorm bible study. Prepare food for the week ahead- KD tastes awesome, but not the most healthy 😜. Sort boxes, piles, the shelf that has become my "to deal with later" shelf 😣- that's always a scary place. Do some baking. Prayer meeting at 16 and girls dorm at 19.  Oh but the best part- I don't have to be up to hospital by 7- I can start my day at 8 instead- love it!!

But this weekend I'm on call-

So, I'm going up to the hospital for rounds. Then heading out to review colony patients- missed them on wednesday because of school trip for praziquantel administration. Then squeezing all of the above activities into the interim between finishing up at colony and going out to prayer meeting.

I will collapse into my bed tonight, praying for no calls up to hospital, or at the very least manageable ones (no major bleeds, obstructions or difficult deliveries) and ask myself - 'did I walk with God today?' Sometimes it's hard to see. Sometimes, I'm so caught up in the things that I'm doing that I forgot He is at my right hand, waiting to 'help me with each task if only I'll ask'. He is a gracious God who doesn't force Himself into anyone's life- He waits to shower my day with blessing, to extend grace in this incredibly messy day, to be the arms I collapse into when it just gets too much.

Maybe the crowing roosters have a lesson for me today- 'praise Him. He has given me these things to do. Praise Him for the tasks, and praise Him for being the arm of strength that 'helps me with each task'.'

I can see the faint outlines of the tree out my window now as the sun rises to greet the new day. The roosters are still crowing. The bell up at the church has been banged. The day has arrived. Today is a day for delighting in the Lord


  1. Thank you for your blog! I need to remember that even with the crows and other birds talking in the morning, with the sun that comes up. Each day is His!


  2. thank you so much for your thoughts, friend! <3 love this reminder, and love the way i can almost pretend i'm sitting next to you (not knitting - maybe cuddling my coffee mug in hand), heart beating full of God and zambia <3.
