Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Thoughts from Ireland

Here I am again, snuggled down in the same bed as just over a year ago, "Father, thank you" my heart whispers. I know this place, I love this place, I met God in this place.

The last time I was here, I read in Peter, though you suffer a little while God himself shall come to strengthen restore establish and confirm you.

Though you suffer a little while... Have I suffered? No, not really, definitely not the way these Christians were, definitely not the way hundreds are suffering now in the Middle East. But I have struggled. This past year was not easy. This past year I let go of so many things. I didn't want to. I don't want to. Even now, part of me still wants to run back to my comfortable safe haven. The place where I know and am known. But my heart has decided- what is more important? Sorry... What is most important?

and the echoing cry of my heart comes back

That I may know Him

And be found in Him

Not having my own righteousness

But the righteousness that comes of God thru faith.

That I may know Him

That's it. For me, that's the final stop, the apex, the most important thing- knowing him.

Paul then writes, "forgetting what is behind, I press on."

Forgetting?! Forgetting what is behind...

What is behind?

Usually I think of the sin of my heart before I knew Christ. Or if I mess up, after I seek forgiveness I have to let go of the shame and press on. And that's true. But let's keep it in context here- Paul had just mentioned all the things he had to be proud of, all the things that made him who he was, all the things his identity was wrapped up in

Circumcised according to the law
Of the right people
Of a good tribe
A Hebrew more religious than other Hebrews
As to following the law closely: a Pharisee
As for showing my dedication to the law: I persecuted the church who I thought was against God
As for righteousness: faultless

Then he says, I count all these things as dung that I may win Christ. Strong words.

All the things that have given him his identity. This is my struggle. I don't want to lose the identity I had made for myself.

I press on...

I was challenged by these thoughts of what Paul was 'forgetting' and when I was asked to teach in my old Sunday school class the last sunday I was in Toronto I thought I wld share these thots with them. As I was preparing my lesson another verse came to mind.

Remember not the former things
Nor consider the things of old

Sounds good so far... I'm well acquainted w those two lines for some reason

Pay attention! I am doing a new thing

Oh! And it was like pieces of a puzzle just clicked together... A new thing...

A new thing means that 4 Agincourt drive, or Agincourt Gospel Hall or 14es will never b a possibility again. But a new thing is happening. And it's a good thing. It's a God thing. It's the three fold cord standing alone with God, it's new paths and new lessons and new opportunities to grow. It's opportunities to put into practice lessons learned, to try new things, to learn about myself and My Lord in a different context.

It's not forgetting the important things- the friends who have transformed me, the vitally important lessons and experiences with my Father, the ways I have grown to become more myself. But it's about letting go of what I thought was important, the things I thought gave me identity and allowing God to fill that place with the things He has said are important, allowing Christ to fill the place with Himself.

So, snuggled down in this delightfully comfortable bed excited to enter the blissful world of sleep, I just wanted to give you a wee update. Or maybe I just wanted to confirm to my old self that yes it's been a year of struggles and yes more lie ahead, but yes your Father, your Master, your dearest Friend has Himself come to strengthen, restore, confirm and establish you. And if He's good on this promise in a little suffering, won't He be even better on the promise in real suffering.

So, like paul, I say: forgetting what is behind I press on

On to the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus

Remember not the former things
Nor consider the things of old
PAY ATTENTION- I am doing a new thing!

1 comment:

  1. You speak of, "The place where I know and am known." Check out The prompt words for this week are "know" and "known".
    Thanks for being refreshingly honest and sharing your thoughts and some of how the Lord is working in you! And...welcome back to Africa!!
    Lots of love,
    Elizabeth xo
