Dear Rykauna, Angel and Cher,
Ladies, I am so thrilled to have witnessed tonight this step in your walk with Christ! Baptism is a visual picture of what happened when we accepted Christ as Saviour; it is a public declaration of one's commitment to Christ and is the fruit of what He has planted in our hearts. These are the things which I and many others see growing in your hearts and lives. It has been a privilege to watch you grow and mature as individuals and in your spiritual life. Each of you have developed into unique, wonderful young women and each with a vibrant passion for the things of God.
Rykauna, I have known you the longest, since you were just a little girl. I was there the night you came home from Gospel Meeting and said "It's settled. Accepting Christ is just like accepting a gift." I have watched you mature into the thoughful, caring special young woman that you are today. Your knowledge of the Bible impresses me. You have a good grasp of the stories and the chronology and are becoming adept at applying its teachings to your life. Can I encourage you to really study your Bible and memorize it? I didn't believe it at your age, but it really does get harder as you get older. Start now and hide more of it in your heart!
Angel, you are all sweetness and gentleness. Your eagerness to get to know God is admirable. Read God's word and apply it to your daily experiences, pray and live in the moment by moment realization of God's presence with you and you will see Him always at your right hand. I have also noticed that you have a particular ability to know what things are of Christ and which are not, continue to try the spirits to see whether they are of God, this will help you in your walk.
Cher, your enthusiasm for science and seeing the scriptures through a scientists' eyes is awesome. You remarked the other day that when you study science you have to come to the opinion that God is true. Evidently that is not the case as there are more secular scientists than scientists that hold a christian worldview at this point in history. But your conviction that studying the intricacies of the micro and macro world can only lead one to the realization that there must be a Creator is commendable. Keep studying and seeing Christ in the world around you! And keep studying your Bible so that you can better understand who this God is that you have chosen to follow.
Girls, our Lord mentions that "there is great joy in heaven over one sinner that repents than over 99 good people who don't need to repent". There was joy in heaven the moment each of you repented and took Christ as Saviour and Lord. But John writes later that he has "no greater joy than to hear that his children walk in faith". Ladies, for a while now, but tonight especially you have given those who have taught and mentored you throughout your life that 'greater joy' to know that our children (ok young women :D) are walking in faith. Keep walking!
Paul urges us to walk in a manner worthy of our calling and this girls is what I really what to pass on to you. Its not easy! There are a thousand and one things to distract. Our enemies (you know the three) are always standing by and not just standing they are active. "I charge you walk in a manner worthy of God"! Can I say it enough times?! "Walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, be pleasing to Him, bear fruit in every good work, increase in the knowledge of God".
The Psalmist said "my heart is fixed, trusting in the Lord" Sisters fix your hearts! Like Ezra, "settle it in your hearts to study the law of the Lord and to do it and to teach it"; and Daniel who "purposed in his heart he would not defile himself"; "let your heart be wholly true to the Lord our God walking in his statutes". "Be an example of the believers" or as another version gives it: "Be an example to the believers. Show in your lives what it means to walk worthy of our calling in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity. As for you [women] of God pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, steadfastness, gentleness. Fight the good fight of faith! I charge you in the presence of God, who gives life to all things, and of Christ Jesus to keep these things whole heartedly until the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ which God will bring about in His own time. He is the blessed and only Sovereign, the King of kings and Lord of lords, who alone has immortality, who dwells in unapproachable light, whom no one has ever seen or can see. To him be honor and eternal dominion. Amen."
I am thrilled to see you grow and mature and I pray that you will continue in faith as you have begun so well. "Guard what has been entrusted to you". "Walk worthy for He who calls you is faithful"
your loving sister in the Lord
For by grace are you saved, through faith and not of yourselves. It is the gift of God, not by works. This is so no one can boast. Ephesians 2:8,9
We were buried therefore with Him by baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ as raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life. Romans 6:4
awww thanks :)