Thursday, 27 September 2012

Now Therefore Go: The Path, Part Two

I've been negligent I see, forgetting to put up another post here. But it was discussion forum this past week in my course and difficult to think about something other than the plethora of posts that flooded my inbox- but I won't complain: this was the LAST discussion forum EVER!!!! So excited! Went out for breakfast with two very special ladies just to celebrate it!

I was in the middle of a story in my last post, so I'll pick up from there. There's not much left tho of the story...

After I read that devotional from the calendar, my initial reaction was 'Lord, if You want me to go to Zambia I will go'. Typical of me however, a few days later I began to question and wonder 'did this really happen?' 'maybe I took it to mean the wrong thing?' 'maybe I was supposed to stay here instead, I mean, there is LOTS of work to be done here'. I had been presented at this time with the information for various wound care courses that I could take that would help with professional development, and although I was very interested, I wasn't able to get that incident out of my head. I felt like I had come to a fork in the road and I had to decide which path I was going to take. And I so wanted to make sure it was a path the would be honouring to God, that it was the path He had already chosen for me. (This is something I still want even tho this decision has been made for now, that's why I can only say I will be in Zambia for as long as God wants me to be, which right now is a year so far as I know). Anyway, I spent the next few months praying and looking forward to my second trip to Zambia, this time to Chitokoloki Mission to visit friends of mine for 5 weeks.

There are two things that really stand out in my mind, above many others. The first was walking to the hospital and nearly every day for the last three weeks having run through my thoughts the verse: He heals the broken hearted and binds up their wounds. The second, on the plane home pouring out my thoughts to God and coming across this verse that brought rest: the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. For me, I felt like God specifically was calling me to take these wound care courses I had been told about and then use the skills and knowledge from these courses as God's hands to reach out to a vulnerable population.

So, that's where I've been these last two years, working away module by module, course by course and now am just about finished these courses. I never expected to fall so much in love with this profession, but its like receiving an unexpected gift in the mail that is unbelievably precious: this passion for helping people as they struggle with the betrayal of their bodies and hopefully in some way pointing them to the Great Physician, the Great Healer, the Binder of Wounds, this One who I can say with thrill and awe 'This is my God'. I want not just at the end of my life when I finally get to see God, but at every moment of every day wherever I am for God to be able to say "I am not ashamed to be called her God". I am looking forward to this next adventure, travelling half way across the world to serve some of God's poorest children in material things, but so rich in life and personality.

Now they desire a better country, that is an heavenly, wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for He has prepared for them a city. Hebrews 11:16

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