Thursday, 31 May 2012

Now Therefore Go: The Plans

I've been working on another post about the events leading up to this decision to go, but its long and involved and well, I haven't finished yet. But I just want to outline the things that are on my plate now that need to be attended to. Like first of all, finishing this course!

Right now I am looking forward to two things
a good chat with my friends Shawn and Rhonda from Chitokoloki this coming monday
and also the Missionary Orientation Program in Pensylvania from the 9th to the 15th of June.

What do I hope to get from these? It's always good  to have a plan in place and to be prepared.
First of all and very basically, I hope to be able to get my thoughts out into concrete questions that can be answered! ... never was very good with turning thoughts into words...

But I'm hoping to speak with S&R and gather from them
what its like to be a missionary, and to live on a mission station.
I want to ask them about God's faithfulness in providing for them and their 2 little girls for the last 3 years.
About the roles that they fill there as maintenence and accountant/ homeschooler and how that effects their plans for reaching out to the community.
I want to learn about the needs that they see in their community and how I could help them to meet those needs
I endeavor to learn about their thoughts on Mission Stations in general

And I guess afterward, I want to prayfully consider my role and length of stay on the Mission Station.

I've been very torn about where I would go. Right now, Chit makes the most sense as there are so many experienced missionaries and medical missionaries to learn from and follow their example. But some of the other Mission Station have needs that have been impressed on my heart. Most of all however, is the village work- getting right in there and living with the people and showing them God's love up close and personal, not enclosed within the grounds of the mission stations... but how do I get there from here? And is that even God's will, these are things that I'll have to learn step by step as I obey God, not all at once as a crisis moment.

God has always taken me in baby steps, so I'm pretty certain He won't be dropping me off in the village just yet! ;)

For the MOP ... that's harder, I'm not quite sure what to expect.
But I just hope for confirmation. For God to remind me that He is in this whole huge crazy mess. That leaving this profession that I love and my sunday school kids and teen night girls and my family and friends is really what He wants me to do. I mean, I know it is- I believe I am obeying His command to go into all the world, and to visit the orphan and the widow in their distress, but there is always a part of me that questions 'what if?'

Then there is all the paperwork that needs to be completed and a work permit to apply for and well, I'm not even sure of everything for this... but hopefully S&R will be able to give me a few pointers and help me sort through the paperwork of going.

I need to speak with the elders of my church again and bring them up to date and listen to their advice. In the multitude of many counselors there is safety!

And then finishing my course and wrapping everything else up here.. but that's getting more into the future than I can take....

for now its just 'step by step with Jesus by my side' Praying I don't go before Him, and praying I don't go a different way.

Commit your way unto the Lord, trust in Him and He will bring it to pass. Ps 37:5


  1. I love how you have pictures of Swaziland on your blog about Zambia ;)

    1. well Miss! that WILL change! but these were the most recent photos that I had! give me a few weeks in Zambia and I'll have the right people and scenery up!
