Back in the chitengi
Back in the hotness
Back into the Lunda
Just back
And it's good.
Sure, I was anxious about going. Chatting with some of the more experienced folks here, I see it doesn't really get easier. I'll just get more experienced at how to handle the anxiety and the grief and the displacement.
I'm glad to be back here now.
Glad to see so many people that have become dear to me- fellow missionaries, and Zambians alike. So many dear, dear people.
But being back here reminds me of all the dear ones I left at home.
I am so blessed to know so many amazing and genuinely sweet people!
But from a random place today came words of encouragement (and it was random! It can't get more random than FB quiz eh?!?)
Have I know commanded you?
Be strong and courageous.
Do not be afraid, do not be discouraged,
for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.
Joshua 1:9
This was my verse that I came out here on.
Sure it's a fluke. But at the same time, it's also a real reminder: I'm here because of God. I don't need to be afraid- afraid of people, of situations, of not accomplishing what God wants me to do. And I don't need to be discourage; because friends, discouragement here is a real thing. Maybe no more real than at home, but it is for me. So many limitations, so many failures, so many areas to reach out into and no way to get to them
But I was learning today:
"Take, as from my Father's hand"
Everything comes from my Father.
Sorrow and suffering
Difficult situations and people
Blessing and abundance
Peace and joy
So whatever my day and this year holds, He has allowed it.
I will trust Him
I will rejoice
I will be strong and courageous
I will not be afraid or discouraged
I know HE is with me ..... And that makes all the difference
And so, I'm back
Have been cleaning the house after finding ant hills in three different places
Sorting out the aftermath of a mouse who took up (I hope) termporary residence
Sorting out some food parcels that came
And mostly just settling back into life here
Glad I haven't forgotten too much of my Lunda
Hoping to find some help with language studies
And looking forward to going back to hospital on Wednesday