Before they call I will answer
I suppose I could look this verse up, I should, its been a mainstay of my walk with my Saviour for so many, many years, but I just never have. Its truth is the same though, regardless if I could point you its the specific place in scripture.
Before they call I will answer
"12 hours and I'm a free woman" that was laughingly said today about 1600 hrs as JR and I were finishing up plastering her clubfeet and Emma was finishing cataloging her biopsies and Dr. Jere was... well I'm not sure what she was doing but we were sharing some laughs, plasters always seem to come with some laughs :)
That statement was made in reference to my upcoming trip to Lusaka tomorrow morning. Tanis and Dorothy and I were to leave around 430 am to travel 10 hrs from Chit down to Lusaka each of us to sort paperwork and other important business. Not 10 minutes later I received a text from Dorothy saying the trip was postponed till Sunday. "I am so depressed" Was my next comment.
And it was so disappointing. I had made plans too, to catch up with a friend and eat pizza and ice cream (not sure what I'm more disappointed to miss... better say catching up with my friend lol). But on my way home, travelling down that path overlooking the Zambezi that I love so much, I was encouraging myself with a verse I enjoyed from the morning: when the cares of my heart are many, your consolations cheer my soul. You see, I was a little worried too that there were some papers I forgot I needed certified to register with the nursing council. A thought occurred to me then- There were a couple documents that still needed certifying and going with Tanis to Zambezi Township when she meets the magistrate and the court clerk will be the perfect last minute opportunity to get those documents signed.
Sometimes I can only stand in complete and utter awe at how interested my Father is in my life and how perfectly orchestrated everything is, regardless of my procrastination and just general stupidity and laziness. And maybe this has very little to do with me at all, but it just makes everything work out to perfectly and I can't help but boast about how amazing my Father is and how much he cares even over the tiniest details of my rather unimportant, insignificant life. IT IS GOOD TO GIVE THANKS TO THE LORD, TO SING PRAISES TO THE MOST HIGH! I WILL DECLARE YOUR STEADFAST LOVE IN THE MORNING AND YOUR FAITHFULNESS IN THE EVENING.
In the morning I will remind myself of His steadfast love that never changes, that is my security. And in the evening, I will proclaim His faithfulness, the ongoing proof that He could and does love even me. Privileged!
Dear friends, can I invite you to join me in prayer
I am hoping to travel tomorrow to Zambezi District with Tanis. Tanis needs to obtain some final papers for the adoption of her two girls and I need to get these last few documents certified. Sunday we are planning to travel down to Lusaka, Tanis to sort the rest of her adoption. But I am hoping to register with the general nursing council in order to write my exam the end of May. I am also hoping to pick anti rabies vaccine for the hospital. I plan to travel back with Shawn n Rhonda on Friday. Please pray that all goes smoothly, both the travel on muddy, forest roads, the red tape that is related to the business we are each hoping to wrap up, and whatever else we may come across while down there.
I will be back in Chit for about 5 days and then travel out again to Katombi to again focus on language studies for 3 weeks. Margie and I will return to Chit around May 10 in time for the Centennial Anniversary of Chitokoloki (please pray for this, there will be many visitors from Zambia and from around the world: may this be a time that God's faithfulness can be shown to those around). At the end of May, Emma, Allison and I hope to write our nursing exams in Lusaka. Please pray for this also, that God's will may be accomplished (and ideally that we all pass :) )
But with all this before me, can you see why it is so encouraging to me to know that my Father in heaven is not just concerned about the big things in upholding this world, but is concerned about even the smallest details in my life: like once again procrastinating. Friends, we are so privileged and so blessed, we deserve none of this; I deserve none of this, I have shunned God and hated His law, but over and over and over He is proving to me that in spite of myself He has redeemed me and made me His own. He is writing His love into the finest points of my life.
This is my anthem and this is my song,
The theme of the stories I've heard for so long
God has been faithful, He will be again
His love and compassion, they know no end
And all I have needed His hand will provide
He's always been faithful to me