Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Precious Memories

Well... my bags are packed and I'm ready to go ... I've been waiting to say that for a long time ;) Can't believe its finally here! All these final preparations to go have made me rather sentimental... so I took some time out to compile a collection of photos remembering some of the good times and the dear friends that have made my life sparkle these past few years. You are all awesome in your own ways and I am privileged to have known each one of you. Thanks for all the wonderful things you taught me and for the fabulous fun memories that we share! I will cherish these things forever...
Precious memories how they linger
How they ever flood my soul
In the stillness of the midnight
Precious sacred scenes unfold
I wanted to share this with you. When I came home from Zambia 3 years ago with the desire to return to stay for an extended period, there were two verses that really clinched the decision in my mind. Joshua 1:9 The Lord your God is with you wherever you go and Psalm 138:8 The Lord will fulfil His purpose for me. About 3 weeks back, I received a letter from my Aunt who has served in Ireland for the last few decades reminding me specifically about this promise from God- that the Lord my God is with me wherever I go. (Thanks Aunt Rose). Then, this past Sunday, one of the brothers shared some thoughts at the end of our first meeting reminding us that the Lord will perfect that which concerns us (KJV) or that He will fulfil His purpose for us (ESV)... It was one of those goose bump- God's trying to get my attention moments. He was with me three years ago when I made the decision to start down this path, and He is with me today as I walk away from all that I count dear and into the unknowns of this new place. But the important thing is that He is with me and He will fulfil His purpose for me. And He will for you too. That is His promise and my peace!
The Lord your God is with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9
The Lord will fulfill His purpose for me Psalm 138:8
The Beloved of the Lord dwells in safety. The High God surrounds him all day long, and dwells between his shoulders Deuteronomy 33:12
The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, HIs mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness.
The Lord is my inheritance, therefore I will hope in Him. Lamentations 3:22-24
There is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. Proverbs 18:24
If I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea even there Your hand shall lead me and Your right hand shall hold me. Psalm 139:9,10

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

The Last Full Week

This is my last full week in Canada! I was just saying this to a friend the other night. Its super hard to believe. This has been so long in coming that its hard to believe it is now actually here. But here it is! :)

These past few weeks have been busy with preparations to go, visiting with friends and family and finding a few moments to relax and remember what it means to sleep ;) My aunt planned a farewell for me a few weeks back for the folks up in the town where I grew up and that was a really special fun time. And then this past Saturday my church in Agincourt planned a farewell also. This one was a little more serious as I received my letter of commendation, the letter from my church as a character and spiritual reference and stating they are supportive of the work I am doing. It was really special to hear from my old Sunday school teacher and also a family friend both of whom devoted much time to encouraging my reading of the Bible and shared their knowledge of scriptural principles with me.

This meeting was special. It was awkward at points being the centre of attention- not my favourite place, but really cool to hear the commendation of these people who have been guides and mentors to me and to know that they support me and see in me this desire to serve my Lord. It was also very special to receive all the notes of encouragement and from my friends and many colleagues and I know I will be thankful for many of these thoughts throughout this next year!

On Sunday I also had the opportunity to visit with the Christians at Langstaff GH- this was the church I attended during my last two years of school. And again, I was overwhelmed by the support and the encouragement I received there.

For the most part, these past few weeks have gone very much as planned. There have been a number of learning curves along the way... Things like accounting and book keeping I have never had to learn, nor had interest in learning, but seems to be a critical part of this new role I have stepped into. Red tape is something I have hated at the best of times... this is the worst of times- apparently OHIP has a guideline about how long a person can stay out of the country and if you are staying out longer you need to apply for a leave... I'm staying out longer. sigh... Oh and Thank you cards... its one thing to write a thank you note, but some of these notes are to be read publically, it becomes rather more daunting....

But as new last minute details come to light they have been dealt with and settled in an organized and expected manner. However, this past Monday I had such a backwards day. Starting with an error in a letter for the OHIP office an extended visit in Toronto that actually didn't really need to have happened and ending with a quick trip to Emerg. It was frustrating to put it nicely! Actually, it was quite vexing. But in the end, I realized that really this worked out for the best and it made me stop and wonder how many times things happen that I don't plan for and instead of being flexible I get frustrated and ask God- "well, why did you let that happen?" when really, knowing the beginning from the end, He is just looking out for my best interests and caring for me like a father would. There was a lot of confessing and apologizing to do when I realized that, but oh the sweet peace of knowing my Father cares about me, cares about even the minutest details of my life. Now, to practice that mindset before I begin to complain instead of afterward.

Well, folks, there are a few more activities to be done, mostly just visits now, oh and my bags to pack for the final time, but this is it. Its finally happening. It is kinda surreal but it is also exciting too. I will try to post one last time this side of the ocean but if not, thanks for all your support and encouragement during the past few months! I so can't believe we are finally here! :)