so I read about this on someone else's blog and kinda thought it would be fun to do... well... fun is all in the way you look at it I suppose, ;)
basically its committing to memorizing 2 Bible verses per month for the year so that at the end of the year you've learned 24 new verses. There are so many reasons why to memorize scripture but I thought it might be fun and challenging to give it a little twist of my own... I plan to memorise 2 verses a month for the year, but one of the verses each month is gonna be in Lunda ;)
Once upon a time it used to be no problem at all for me to sit down and memorize a chapter in a week... those days are LONG! gone and with it most of the desire to memorise, but this seems a relatively simple and rather practical way to go about this discipline of memorizing which seems to elude me. I'm also working on trying to convince one of my roomies to join me in this challenge except she'd skip the Lunda and try for mandarin since that's the language she's working on learning ;)
so folks, feel free to challenge me on my verses... I love to share ;) And I presume, when I finally get to Zambia, there will be many people there to correct my terrible massacre of the language
January's Verses
Chaswejeliyi Nzami kukena mpata yamunu mwishina, wayinkeli Mwanindi wumu hohu, kulonda muntu wukumukuhwelela aheti wumi wahayanyaka, akabuli kunona. Yowanu 3:16 (John 3:16)
Only fear the Lord and serve Him faithfully with all your heart. For consider what great things He has done for you. 1 Samuel 12: 24

Friday, 18 January 2013
Wednesday, 16 January 2013
Moving, Sorting, Packing
How do you pack a lifetime up into two suitcases and a carryon?
How do you go through prized possessions and decide what is valuable and what is not?
How do you cope with the stress of it all?
These questions along with many others have been racing around in my mind these last few days as I’ve sorted and packed and goodwill’ed my room. I think I’m about half way there… my room I mean. I’ve made it through the dresser, the wardrobe and under my bed. Yesterday I made it through my closet… that was a feat! But the filing cabinet is still there and the craft supplies and the two and a half boxes of books not to mention the nursing texts that I have accumulated from various nursing courses. The hardest to go through I think are the books. I read once about a man whole collected books upon books until he had created his own library. I thought that was a cool idea and began collecting accordingly… how do I decide which ones to take? How do I decide which ones to pack? How do I decide which ones to give away?
As I pack each box tho, I find a rather unsettling question lingers on my mind, an accusing question. Is this really necessary? Amy Carmichael wandered through India for several years with hardly more than the clothes on her back. Hudson Taylor travelled through China with a few clothes and his medical equipment- the medical equipment was a means simply to reach the people with the truth of Gods grace. Jesus Himself, the one I claim as ‘Lord’, had ‘no where to lay His head’. Maybe it’s just an excuse, but I don’t have faith enough right now for that! Besides, I don’t think God expects that from all of us. Although, I think most of these ones gave up their possessions to show their devotion to their God, not because they felt God expected it of them. Hmm… food for thought, definitely need to ponder that further.
Overriding my own stress as I go through this process, is trying to cope with, or function around the stress levels of my roommates and the way they deal with their own stress. But its really cool to see how God is speaking to them in His own way to their own needs and situation.
And I can't help but be plagued by questions of what will happen to the Teen Night and Sunday School after I leave... not that I'm dispensible... I know I'm not to begin with, and its God's work He doesn't need me and is obviously moving me (and quite possibly both of my roomies) out of the area for a reason... still, this Huge- Tremendous- Illogical- Defies All Reason- Works in Mysterious Ways God that I serve and love is shaking things up around here pretty soundly... what a ripple affect one decision makes... And those kiddos! I love them and I hope none of them are lost in the unheaval if the one pending on the horizon actually happens... But God sees the 'big picture' and He's already got a plan, He's already got everything all worked out... oh me of little faith ;)
Moving, you see, is not so much about sorting belongings and packing bags, its about cutting roots in a wide enough circle to transplant the tree without shocking and wilting or killing it, its about changing a way of life, its about removing a wall without damaging the house. Maybe not so much if I were moving from one house to another in the area, like the last move that brought the three of us together... that merely affected where we lived... this affects our living arrangements, the church, the outreaches we are involved in, even my job... although, I'll probably miss them more than they miss me... I'm sentimental that way, and the unit has a life and flow of its own people leaving and coming...
I think I like it best how my one roommate described psalm 46 and applied it to her situation...
God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble
Therefore we will not fear tho we don't know where we're going
Tho the protective mountains around us give way and fall into the sea
And tho everything is unsettled and our foundations are quaking
...Come and see what the Lord has done
this has been a little meandering I suppose, but its been a while since I last posted anything and thought you all may appreciate an update... oh, and I have good news too in the midst of all of this (which isn't bad just growing) ... my paperwork to apply for entry into the country has been received by the missionary in Zambia who helps out with that process and so they can get started on that... I make actually have entry papers for when I arrive in Zambia :D
God is with her, she will not fall
God will help her at the break of day
The Lord Almighty is with us, the God of Jacob is our Fortress
Come and see what the Lord has done
He says 'be still and know that I am God'
The Lord Almighty is with us, the God of Jacob is our fortress
Psalm 46:5,7,8,10,11
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